hey there,

I’m Karen Joy!

And I want to help women like you rediscover their most authentic selves, uncover their wildest dreams, and start living a consciously joy-filled life.

Can I walk with you?

Rediscover Yourself

Do you feel stuck, empty, or uncertain of how you’re meant to move forward in your life? You want to be intentional and find purpose, but you don’t know where to start.

Let’s rediscover who you were created to be all along so that you become the most authentic version of yourself.

Uncover Your Dreams

You are worthy of your wildest dreams and goals. Do you believe it? Unfortunately, many women don’t, and that’s the very thing keeping them stuck and lacking joy.

Let’s uncover the dreams, let them breathe, and see what happens when you start taking action.

Start Living

Most women want to be more intentional, but it seems like life is moving too quickly to take a moment to slow down. It seems like there is always something more to be done.

Let’s work together to see why your world feels busy so we can consciously slow down and seek joy.

Do you want a head start?

If you’re ready to take action, I don’t want to slow you down! Get my Wild Dreams Mad Lib to help you take what’s on your mind and put it on paper.

Did you know you’re 42% more likely to achieve a goal that’s written down?

That’s what you’re going to do here. Enter your information below to get instant access.

I want to be your cheerleader, coach, accountability partner, and friend.

Can I share a story with you? My entire life, I’ve known that my older sister chose my name. She was six at the time, and everyone assumed she just pulled it from nothing. We laughed and laughed when the internet took the Karens by storm, and I started adding my middle name, Joy, to let people know I was a nice Karen.

Then, earlier this year, my now-pregnant sister and I were talking about baby names, and she said, “I need to go dig up my school yearbooks and find the Karen I named you after.”

After almost 34 years, I found out that my sister named me after the person she looked up to most at age 6. A girl older than here who was a cheerleader and “seemed like the coolest person.” I feel like I reclaimed a new piece of my identity. And while I’ve been cheering people on for years, I want to do so now with more meaning and purpose. I want to help you rediscover who you were created to be.

The Wild Dreams I’m Cultivating

It only seems fitting that if I’m going to encourage and equip you to reach for your wildest dreams and goals, I share that I am doing the same. While I’m not ever going to claim to be an expert, I might be just a few steps further in the journey you want to take. The good news is this is the best way to hold your hand.

Selah for Women

A community for women to have authentic relationships

She Started Co.

Design + Marketing for Women-Owned Businesses

St. Pete Kids

Community and Fun for St. Petersburg, FL Families


My Heart

I know not every woman is ready to take the leap into getting support, and that’s okay. Thankfully, there are so many ways that I can encourage and equip you—right where you are. That’s what I hope these blog posts will do.

Can we be friends?

Who you surround yourself with matters, and I want to build a community of action-taking, joy-seeking women. Are you in?